
The Etiquette of Prayer (Dua)

Chapter Ten

Question: In her narration of a dream during a journey through Paradise, Sayyida Saida Khatoon Azeemi has stated that the angels cast aside those prayers which they deem unworthy of acceptance, while the divine command is, "O people, call upon Me, I will listen to you. Ask of Me, I will grant you." A human seeks from Allah the Almighty through prayer. So, why do the angels not accept the prayer and cast it away from the heavens when a person calls upon Allah the Almighty through prayer? Please can you clarify.

Answer: The answer is straightforward: every action has its own etiquettes and principles. Even asking for something through prayer comes with its own set of guidelines. For instance, if a son were to approach his father with a demand, saying, “Father, give me money,” the father would likely rebuke him and send him away, rather than fulfilling the request. However, if the son were to express a genuine need, saying, “Father, I am in need of money,” the father, moved by the son’s respectful approach, would likely grant him more than what was requested. Now, consider the nature of contemporary prayers. Many of the supplications made today lack the qualities of reverence, humility, and submission that should accompany them. Instead, they often take the form of commands: “O Allah, do this, O Allah, do that.” Such prayers lack the required adab (etiquette), respect, and firm belief that should characterize a true supplicant’s plea. If the angels were to accept such prayers and not cast them down from the heavens, what else would they do? For the past sixty years, I have heard the prayer, "O Allah, destroy the people of Israel," recited in various contexts—during Hajj, in mosques, in madrasas—by millions of people, all saying "Ameen." Yet, despite the repetition of this prayer, it has not been answered. Over these sixty years, as much as this prayer has been made, the power and influence of Israel have only increased. What does this indicate? Sixty years is hardly a brief period for a prayer to be answered. Millions of Muslims pray for the destruction of Israel, yet it has not occurred, despite the fact that Allah the Almighty has promised, “Call upon Me, and I will answer you.” The crux of the matter lies in the fact that the fundamental principles of prayer are not being observed. When the supplicant fails to uphold the etiquette of prayer, and lacks true certainty in the supplication, Allah does not accept mere verbal petitions. The Qur'an explicitly states that the fate of nations is shaped by their actions. At present, our actions are not in alignment with the teachings of the Qur'an. While everyone knows that lying is a sin, many still indulge in it. While it is clear that hurting someone’s feelings is a major transgression, spouses and parents often harm one another in this way. The moral decay within society is undeniable. How, then, can one expect such prayers to be accepted? What basis is there for anticipating Allah's response to such petitions, when those who call upon Him are engaged in acts that His Messenger (P.B.U.H.) explicitly disapproved of? Certainly, Allah the Almighty accepts the supplications of those whose hearts are truly connected to Him. It is not accurate to say that all prayers are rejected; rather, those who maintain a sincere and profound connection with Allah, and whose actions reflect that bond, will find their prayers answered. My son, Salam Arif Azeemi, was telling me that a scholar was delivering a sermon at the Grand Mosque in Rawalpindi. He led a prayer, saying, "O Allah, make it so that the people of Israel are destroyed; make it so that the disbelievers are annihilated from this world." In the fervor of his speech, he continued, "O Allah, place worms in the cannons of the people of Israel," meaning, "Turn the cannons into humans, make them flour, and place worms in them." This is a great disrespect and blasphemy, for the person does not even realize in whose presence he stands and what he is asking. How then can such a prayer be accepted?

A prayer is only rejected if it lacks tenderness, a heartfelt connection, and certainty. If a prayer is made with genuine emotion, if the heart is involved, and if there is conviction in it, then that prayer will certainly be accepted. The truth is, Allah the Almighty does not accept a mere empty prayer. Allah the Almighty says, "First act, then pray, and I will accept your prayer." The life of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) is before us as an example. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) first took action and then prayed. He gathered the companions he had and went to the battlefield. Then he said, "O my Lord, these are the number of people I could bring. Now, help us." Allah, in response to this sincere prayer, sent angels to assist them. Therefore, without action, prayer is not accepted. The prayer must be coupled with action, sincerity, and certainty to reach the level of acceptance.


TUAJEEHAT (Elucidations)

Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi


"The heart is the abode of God. Within this sacred place, I have glimpsed the Azeemi Galaxy. I now entrust this divine document, containing the knowledge of God, to the radiant stars of the Magnificent Galaxies, so they may illuminate their hearts with this divine light."