

Chapter one

Question: What is Muraqaba, and what is its essence?

Answer: In the pursuit of knowledge or understanding regarding any subject, individuals engage in contemplation, seeking to discern its essence, significance, and underlying purpose. This intellectual curiosity leads to a deeper inquiry into the intrinsic nature of the subject. What may initially appear trivial can reveal its potential importance, while neglecting substantial matters may render them insignificant.

Through contemplation, individuals gain insight into the core attributes of a subject. As reflection deepens, the comprehension of its defining characteristics becomes clearer, enabling one to appreciate the true value and meaning of the subject at hand. This profound engagement with a topic unravels its essence, allowing one to perceive its true significance.

On the surface, the practice of Muraqaba may seem like a simple act of sitting with closed eyes and a lowered head. However, this physical posture only partially encapsulates the essence of Muraqaba. At its core, Muraqaba is a meditative practice that helps practitioners disengage from external sensory perceptions, creating an inner space for focused concentration and self-exploration. This practice enables one to transcend the limitations of the physical senses, entering a realm of heightened self-awareness and deeper perception.

One might wonder whether a state similar to Muraqaba exists within us, even in the absence of its formal posture. The phenomenon of detaching from external senses occurs both intentionally and unintentionally throughout life. For instance, during sleep, the mind systematically disengages from sensory input. While this detachment is temporary, it nonetheless constitutes a clear separation from waking awareness. This observation suggests that Muraqaba serves as a conscious method of replicating the detachment experienced during sleep, but with sustained wakefulness. Through Muraqaba, one can enter a state resembling sleep, while retaining the clarity of conscious awareness. This allows the practitioner to explore the deeper recesses of the self without being confined by the limitations of time and space.

Human existence is marked by two primary states: wakefulness and sleep. In wakefulness, we are bound by the constraints of time and space, whereas in the dream state, we transcend these limitations. Muraqaba offers a structured practice that translates the freedom found in the dream state into conscious awareness, enabling the practitioner to intentionally surpass the boundaries of time and space. By engaging in Muraqaba, one can access states akin to those of sleep or dreaming, allowing for a conscious interaction with phenomena typically relegated to the subconscious mind.

The notion that dreams are merely figments of imagination is not supported by spiritual wisdom. Divine religious texts, especially the Quran, elaborate on the significance of dreams, stating that they transcend the limitations of time and space. The Quran reveals that dreams are a form of divine communication, offering glimpses into realms beyond ordinary perception. When one enters a dream-like state through Muraqaba, they effectively detach from the constraints of time and space, experiencing the qualities of dreams while remaining conscious and aware.

For existence to have meaning, it must rest upon a foundational basis. Without such a foundation, existence becomes untenable. The Quran asserts, "Allah is the Divine light of the heavens and the earth," indicating that the entire universe, along with its countless realms, is illuminated by Allah's essence. Since the universe was created for humanity and grounded in the divine light, it follows that both human beings and the faculties within them are centered around a unified and coherent foundation.

Human actions, thoughts, and sensations are not solely governed by the physical body. The true essence of human existence lies not in the body of flesh and bone, but in the soul, which animates and sustains the body. The Quran offers valuable insights into the nature of the soul, and those with deeper knowledge have established frameworks to facilitate understanding. These frameworks help disciples recognize the nature of the soul and its connection to the divine.

Within these frameworks, a disciple is guided by a teacher or mentor who has traversed the path of spiritual knowledge. This guide, known as a Pir o Murshid, provides step-by-step guidance, protecting the disciple from the overwhelming impact of spiritual experiences. The mentor, having already walked the path of enlightenment, helps the disciple navigate this journey with wisdom. The one who seeks guidance from the Pir and surrenders to their wisdom is known as a Murid (disciple).

Thus, spirituality is grounded in the understanding that within every human being are two distinct faculties: one that is bound by the physical world and another that is liberated within the realm of the soul. The practice of Muraqaba allows the individual to access this second, liberated state, transcending the limitations of the body and the sensory world in order to explore the deeper, spiritual dimensions of existence. It is through this practice that one can move beyond the physical and into the divine, unlocking the potential for a more profound and enlightened way of being.

To shield the consciousness from the overwhelming intensity of Muraqaba, a guide is essential—someone who has already walked the path and can lead with wisdom. The guidance of the Pir ensures that the disciple is gradually introduced to deeper states of awareness, without being overwhelmed by the intensity of spiritual transformation.

In conclusion, the core of Muraqaba is to transcend the constraints of the waking world and experience the freedom of the dream state while retaining conscious awareness. This practice opens the door to divine knowledge and enlightenment, allowing one to connect with the deeper realms of existence and engage in a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.


TUAJEEHAT (Elucidations)

Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi


"The heart is the abode of God. Within this sacred place, I have glimpsed the Azeemi Galaxy. I now entrust this divine document, containing the knowledge of God, to the radiant stars of the Magnificent Galaxies, so they may illuminate their hearts with this divine light."