Javid Saleem from Lahore writes:
You have indicated two aspects of thoughts
the low and the high.
The high thinking has been termed as the
thinking of righteousness by you. According to religious point of view living
in strict accordance of the principles of Islam is the righteousness and there
we find no mention of telepathy in Islam. Telepathy, in fact, is one of those
sciences which the European scientists have deduced from other metaphysical
sciences. It is quite disturbing that you have conflated telepathy in Islam. I
agree that telepathy has become quite an important branch of knowledge but it
does not mean that one who wants to learn telepathy should also have the
thinking approach of righteousness that is, he should be a Muslim.
Can you indicate even a single instance
which has been experienced by our ancestors and has some co-ordination with
telepathy. I would like to make this appeal to you that kindly present this
knowledge in its original form and shape so that the distinction in telepathy
and Islam should remain there.
Answer: As far as the thinking approach of
righteousness is concerned it cannot be claimed that it is the property or
heritage of only one particular nation. In fact it is another name for human
If a non-muslim has these values he will be
called a human after all. And if a Muslim does not has these values. Then he is
not worthy to be called even a human being.
It has been declared by Allah the most high
in Surah Maida Verse 72.
It has been proclaimed in the Holy Quran,
"Those who believe in the Quran, those who follow the Jewish scriptures
and the Sabians, and the Christians, anyone who believes in God and the Last
Day, and work righteousness, they shall have no fear nor shall they
grieve" (S:5 V:72). It has been clarified in this verse that the good
deeds and actions based upon righteousness of any individual or a nation are
not wasted and these are rewarded provided such righteousness is observed
purely for the sake of Allah. All those deeds that are done for the sake of
Allah are always based upon right mindedness.
According to the spiritualists, right
mindedness enables us to become closer to our soul. In fact closeness to our
soul and the cognition of the soul is the only yardstick of humanity. All the
sacred and divine books and scriptures have invited man to have this thinking
approach and preached those programmes which could induce the right-mindedness
after having the proper cognition of the soul.
Cognition of the soul is the only via media
for Now coming to this point that telepathy is not found in Islam. Telepathy,
in fact, is the cognition of our Lord God still living in this phenomenal
world. Cognition of the soul on one hand enables us to make use of the latent
potentialities of the soul while on the other it enables us to have the proper
cognition of the Lord of the worlds in a better perspective of His creations.
Thus the thinking approach aimed at the cognition of the inner self or the soul
is the right mindedness.
All the prophets strived throughout their
lives to spread that right mindedness which was bestowed upon them by the
Almighty Allah. It remained their mission that the thinking approach granted to
them should be transferred to their fellow beings so that they could be saved
from the rebelliousness and the evilness.
Name of that knowledge in which one
transfers one's thoughts, ideas and the thinking pattern to other creatures of
Allah. It had been the mission of all the prophets of God that the thinking
pattern bestowed upon them under special arrangements could be presented to
mankind for its benefit and to safeguard them from evil and transgressional
thinking. It does not make any difference if instead of inspiration or
suggestion this knowledge is called telepathy just as Allah is called God in
English and Bhagvan in Hindi.
You have also asked to cite even one single
instance from Islamic history that has any co-ordination with telepathy.
Once the Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him), happened to pass by a camel. Upon seeing the tears in
the eyes of the camel he told the owner of that camel that the camel is
complaining against him that he makes him carry the full load but is maltreated
and is kept under nourished. Similarly the incident of Hazarat Omer Farooq
(R.A.) is recorded in the History of Islam in golden letters. During the course
of war with Iran. Hazarat Sariya, the commander of Muslim army besieged the enemy.
The enemy had reinforcement. At the same time Hazarat Omer was addressing the
Friday congregation of Muslim prayer at Madina.
During his address he stated, "I am
witnessing the two battling forces" And he described the positions of both
the sides. Then all of a sudden he called out, "0, Sariya- go behind the
cliff— go behind the cliff."
History testifies that Hazrat Sariya heard
the voice of Hazrat Omer in the battle field and acted upon the suggestion
which saved him from a sure defeat.
In this regard hundreds of incidents of
prophets, auliyas, saints, sages and the geniuses could be cited as example.
Mr. Toufail A. Shahid from Lahore writes:
Question: I am sixty years of age I am an
ardent reader of articles on telepathy and other allied the east and the west
on these subjects but I have never come across any writing so inspiring,
comprehensive, logical and luminary as that of yours. Now at this age when I am
actually sitting on the threshold of the grave, I intend to seek your guidance
that can I at this age start the exercises of telepathy suggested by you?
You know it well that at this age of mine no
interest remains there. I have almost every worldly facility by the grace of
Almighty, except peace of mind. You have written that the exercises of
telepathy minimizes the deterioration of the brain cells, thoughts are purged
automatically and the anxiety and depression finishes, can the results of these
exorcises be had at any age? And, will these exercises have any harmful side
effects for brain and heart in sixtieth year of life? Please allow me to start
these exercises if the answer to this question is negative.
One more question, Please.
Can we exchange thoughts with jinni, angels
and animals as it can be done with human beings? Can we influence the other
solar systems by our thinking besides this world of ours? And, do the lights
(thoughts) have their own distinct nature, trends and characteristics?
Answer: Baba Tajuddin Nagpuri, the renowned
sage of his age not only in describing the special points but even in his
routine conversations would relate such facts which had direct affinity with
the laws of nature.
Sometimes he would hint at a thing which
scientifically explained the background of a wonder-working (Karamat). The
listeners would instantly perceive the principles operative behind a
wonder—working. At times it was felt as if the waves of light are transferring
to the minds of the listeners. This also was experienced by the people who were
present around Baba Tajuddin that he is sitting silently and they were feeling
and understanding every such thing which was pondered upon by Baba Sahib, without
having his attention consciously focused on someone his unintentional attention
affected the people, they were greatly benefited from this style of Baba Sahib.
This was almost a routine that if some people had some questions in their minds
Baba sahib replied to them before they could utter it.
This book is dedicated to those lively-hearted
friends who want to reach the pinnacle of
humanity through service to mankind and to
those scientists who would adorn the Earth
anew after 2006 A.D.
His Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya
writes in his valuable work 'Tazkira Tajuddin Baba" (An Account of
Tajuddin Baba Auliya).
"Human beings are conversant with the
act of 'articulation' from the very beginning. In talking, the sound waves with
predetermined meanings convey the information to the listeners. This method is
a duplication of that communication style which takes place between the waves
of Ego. It is a common observation that a dumb person conveys everything with a
slight movement of his lips and those who are versed with lip-reading;
understand everything which he desires to convey. This too, is a replica of the
same method. Animals convey their feelings to their fellows without producing
any sound. In this case, too, the waves of Ego are operative. Trees also
converse and communicate with one another regardless of the distance existing
between them. This conversation not only takes place amongst the nearby trees,
but the trees at far off distances also take part in it. The same law is valid
for the minerals as well. Stones, pebbles and the dust particles also negotiate
with one another exactly in the same style."