
Mirror Gazing

An event regarding mirror gazing was published in the daily newspaper of England the "Morning Leader" Friday, August 4, 1896. "Last month dead body of David Thomas, a carpenter working in the estate of Lord Windsor was found in the outskirts of Ferrowier. He had been shot by someone. Despite the hectic searches and investigations neither trace of the murderer nor any clue of the cause of the murder could be found. All evidences lead that David was liked by everyone because of his quiet nature. He had pleasant relations at home. He came from a small town of Cardiff shire but was residing in Glamorganshire where he had married a respectable lady.

He was employed as a carpenter in Lord Windsor's estate and was living, therefore, in St. Fargon; a village near Cardiff. He hadn't been long in that village when he met this gruesome accident on Saturday night.

On the eve of that accident he finished his work early so that he could clear the vegetation that had grown in front of his cabin.

When in the afternoon becoming tired he went to his cabin, his wife told him to take the kids out. He did not answer. His wife who was busy in the other part of the cabin also did not pay attention she however remembers that he had a wash and after changing clothes he left without taking the kids along.

It seems that he met a friend and both went to a pub and had beer, they parted at 10.00. He was walking homewards cheerfully.

When he readied a desolate stretch on the road a passerby heard a shot followed by a scream. The passerby, soon after hearing the shot, saw a man walking hurriedly. The man appeared to be very disturbed.

The pedestrian found, some two hundred yards ahead, a dead body which later proved to be that of David. He shouted for help. David had not died instantly. He had attempted to run after he was shot. The trail of blood indicated so.

A girl of 19, who used to practice Mirror gazing, on the request of the Cardiff Psychological Society, revealed certain strange things about that murder with the help of mirror gazing. She was taken to Ferrweir. She had not been there before. She described all the details of that murder.

The Western Mail also had information about this strange event. Not believing the story they asked the girl to repeat her experiment in the presence of two reporters or the newspaper. The girl accepting the request took all the participants to that pub where the deceased David had taken the last drink of his life. From there the girl accompanied by two reporters of the Western Mail started walking.

She walked silently for some time then she uttered, "I am beholding a pistol, pointing towards me. The pistol is new and shining bright. It has a wide barrel.

After heading for forty yards she again said, "I am hearing the footsteps of someone. I see a man."

"Where?" the reporters asked. Right in front.

He is crawling beside the hedge on the road side. So that he should not be seen by any one.

"Describe him. How is he clad?" the reporters inquired.

The girl at that time was in a trance, she stepped forward hurriedly. The reporters were holding her when the girl pushed one of them that the man she had seen is pursuing her. Then she screamed. The reporter rushed to hold her otherwise she would have fallen down. This happened exactly where David was first shot.

The girl was now moaning. She was trying to reach below her shoulders in a state of agony. The reporters held her by the arms. She kept on heading staggeringly. Her condition was growing critical. Her eyes had turned white. She appeared to be dying.

"Leave her alone." One of the reporters called out and as the girl was released she fell to the ground, uttering moans of agony. She finally collapsed as if she was dead.

"Tell, friend who are you?" a reporter asked.


The girl responded in a feeble voice, "I am David Thomas"

"What do you want us to do? The reporter asked. "I was shot dead", the girl said in a masculine voice.

Who shot you? She was asked. The girl uttered a name. What can, we do now for you?

The girls’ lips were moving slowly as if she was in pain. "I will avenge my murder." "From whom? Who shot me?

After this the girl told them about the hidden weapon with which David was killed. The girl was lying as if she was dead during this time. Then all of a sudden she called out. "Look! look!" she said in a terrified voice.

"Look there is blood!”


"Look here, the drops of blood!"

The reporters tried to see but could not see the blood.

The girl said trembling "He is here. Take me away from here. And her body grew stiff. She was petrified. Her face had grown pale.

What are you looking at? A ghost;

The reporters returned with a feeling of terror and fright experienced.

Apparently this incident seems to be an enigmatic and puzzling one. But it is not so. You have studied in this chapter that there are two minds operative in man. When the other mind is activated we start witnessing those things which cannot be explained with the help of intellect confined in spatio-temporal restrictions.

Any exercise, whether it is mirror-gazing or some other exercise, which after liberating the mind from the on rush of thoughts enables it to concentratively focus on one single point eventually results in witnessing such happenings and incidents which remain obscure from the eyes otherwise.

This thing can be briefly stated that when the mind after coming out of the on rush of thoughts is focused on one single thought the sixth sense of man is activated with all its radiances.

It is our routine observation that the network of life is woven with thoughts of various types. Mankind is living its life on segments of thoughts and ideas.


We feel appetite. What is this appetite? Appetite is an urge to maintain the growth of our body.

This urge comes to our mind in the form of an idea. And under the influence of this thought we are compelled to do something. Likewise all the urges and needs of life are following this law. There is no activity of life which is not initiated by a thought and ends on a concluding thought. When feeling of tiredness is there. We are informed in form of an idea that we should be resting now, and we go to sleep.

Learn Telepathy




This book is dedicated to those lively-hearted

friends who want to reach the pinnacle of

humanity through service to mankind and to

those scientists who would adorn the Earth

anew after 2006 A.D.


His Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya writes in his valuable work 'Tazkira Tajuddin Baba" (An Account of Tajuddin Baba Auliya).

"Human beings are conversant with the act of 'articulation' from the very beginning. In talking, the sound waves with predetermined meanings convey the information to the listeners. This method is a duplication of that communication style which takes place between the waves of Ego. It is a common observation that a dumb person conveys everything with a slight movement of his lips and those who are versed with lip-reading; understand everything which he desires to convey. This too, is a replica of the same method. Animals convey their feelings to their fellows without producing any sound. In this case, too, the waves of Ego are operative. Trees also converse and communicate with one another regardless of the distance existing between them. This conversation not only takes place amongst the nearby trees, but the trees at far off distances also take part in it. The same law is valid for the minerals as well. Stones, pebbles and the dust particles also negotiate with one another exactly in the same style."