
Sajdah Tilāwat

There are fourteen verses in the Holy Quran that after reciting one must perform Sajdah Tilāwat(Prostration). Also, if any one of these verses is recited whilst offering Prayer, one must prostrate.


The method of performing Sajdah Tilāwat is to firstly stand up and say ‘Allāhu Akbar’, and then prostrate. During prostration سُبْحَانَ رَبِّیَ الْاَعْلیٰ should be recited at least three times before one lifts the head up again.


If a woman during menstruation or postnatal bleeding hears a verse that necessitates Sajdah Tilāwat after hearing it, she is excused from performing Sajdah Tilāwat. But if she hears such a verse after she has finished menstruating then Sajdah Tilāwat becomes necessary after she has had a bath.


Spiritual Prayer


Mehrāj means to enter the world of the unseen. When a believer attains Mehrāj through prayer, Angels appear in front of him. He travels through the Heavens, and through the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) he comes to know his Lord.