
On the Subject of Funeral Prayer

The Funeral Prayer is a sufficiency obligation; a religious obligation that if a sufficient number fulfil, the rest are pardoned. This suggests that the Funeral Prayer becomes obligatory on every Muslim who is informed of the death, however out of those informed people even if a few attend the Funeral Prayer, the rest are excused from the fulfilment of this obligation. However, if no one attends the Funeral Prayer then all the people have committed a great sin.


The following are the terms, conditions and details of the Funeral Prayer:-


1.         To perform the Funeral Prayer the body must be clean, the appropriate parts of the body must be covered, one should be facing towards the Holy Kaba and one must make the intention to pray.

2.         These days it is common practise to offer the Funeral Prayer whilst keeping the shoes on. In this case one should take care of two things, the first one being that the place where one is offering Prayer is clean and secondly that the shoes are clean, even if one takes the feet out of the shoes and places them on the shoes, or else the Prayer will be void.

3.         There are two actions that are obligatory when offering the Funeral Prayer; to say ‘Allāhu Akbar’ four times and to remain standing.

4.         The Funeral Prayer is the same for the Imām and the ones who follow behind the Imām. The only difference is that the Imām recites the Takbeers and says the Salām in a raised voice whereas the followers say it quietly. The followers and the Imām both recite the rest of the Prayer quietly.

5.         The actions that make the normal Prayer void also make the Funeral Prayer void.

6.         To prolong the Funeral Prayer in hope that more people will arrive is undesirable.

7.         The Sunnat way to lift the coffin is for each person to take a turn to lift the front right-hand side on to the left shoulder and walk forward ten steps, and then to lift the back right-hand side on to the left shoulder and again walk ten steps. After this, the front left-hand side and then the back left-hand side. Each person taking forty steps altogether in this way is a Sunnat.


When lowering the body into the grave it is favourable to say:-


‘We have placed you in the grave while attaining blessings from the Name of Allah and by the Holy Prophet's religion’

بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ وَ عَلیٰ مِلَّۃِ رَسُوْلِ اللّٰہِ

After placing the body in the grave the soil that was taken out when digging it should all be put back. The preferred way to do this is to start from the side of the head. Each person should fill both hands three times with soil and put it in the grave. The first time one should recite منْھا خلقْنکمْ , the second time recite وَ فِیْھَا نُعِیْدُکُمْ and lastly recite وَ فِیْھَا نُعِیْدُکُمْ . It is preferable to sprinkle water over the grave once the soil has been put back in. the water should be sprinkled starting at the head side down towards the feet side.


It is a virtuous deed to stay beside the grave for a while after the burial and pray for the salvation of the buried one. When the Holy Prophet had finished with the burial of the body he would stand beside the grave and say:-

ْتَغْفِرُ و اللّٰہَ لِاَخِیْکُمْ وَاسْءَلُوا لَہٗ بِالتَّثْبِیْتِ فَاِنَّہٗ اَلْاٰنَ یُسْأَلُ

‘Pray to Allah for the forgiveness and salvation of your brother and request for his steadfastness (when being cross-questioned by Munkar and Nakeer, two angels) as at this moment in time, he is being questioned’


After burial the first few verses of Sūrah Baqara should be recited up to مفْلحوْن while standing beside the head side and then the ending verses starting from اٰمَنَ الرسوْل should be recited right to the end while standing beside the feet.


It is not good practice to laugh, joke, smoke cigarettes and the like when at a graveyard. It is the saying of the Holy Prophet that out of the participants at a funeral the best is he who remains engrossed in the remembrance of Allah and does not sit down until after the coffin is taken down from the shoulders.


Spiritual Prayer


Mehrāj means to enter the world of the unseen. When a believer attains Mehrāj through prayer, Angels appear in front of him. He travels through the Heavens, and through the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) he comes to know his Lord.