
Prayer and Physical Health

Physical exercise not only provides the internal organs such as the kidneys, liver, lungs, intestines, stomach, brain, backbone, neck, chest and all kinds of glands assistance with development but also makes the body smart and beautiful. There even exist exercises that can increase the lifespan of one. There also exist exercises through which one can possess extraordinary strength, and other exercises that cause the features of the face to become beautiful and attractive. Older people cannot perform all exercises but Prayer is an exercise that can easily be performed by all. With age, the strength of one’s veins, arteries and muscles is reduced and substances that are a cause of many illnesses including rheumatism, sciatica, heart diseases, high blood pressure and various mental ailments are produced in them. Prayer is nature’s perfect programme for ridding oneself of these diseases.


It is the fundamental principal of exercise that if one wants to remove stiffness from the veins, arteries or any particular limb, first of all one should let the whole body loosen. One should then tighten or tense up that particular part of the body. After remaining in that state for a while the body should be left to feel loose again. Exercise experts have determined principles, laws and etiquettes for exercise. For different ailments there are different prescribed etiquettes or postures. For example, if one is suffering from a kidney disease, a certain method will be prescribed for one, which will provide heath and well-being to the kidneys.


We have already acknowledged that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) has incorporated into Prayer all things which mankind is in need of, whether it is mental peace, release from anguish and grief, observation of the unseen world, achieving unity with Allah or physical health. Prayer as a whole is a complete wonder. Come, lets investigate how Prayer is related to our physical health.


Spiritual Prayer


Mehrāj means to enter the world of the unseen. When a believer attains Mehrāj through prayer, Angels appear in front of him. He travels through the Heavens, and through the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) he comes to know his Lord.