
Prayer of the Lover and the Beloved

To become acquainted with the reality of Prayer we have to have knowledge of our own soul. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has explained that without the presence of the heart, Prayer is not Prayer. Nor is it Prayer if one is not free from evil suggestions and distracted thoughts. Such an act could only be called ‘physical movement’ and there would be no spiritual value in this act. When a person establishes Prayer with the depth of his soul he is released from the grasp of that mind which we call ‘the disobedient mind’. When the grasp of the disobedient becomes weak the Heavenly mind, which is free from the limitations of time and space takes control. When we incline towards Allah with the Heavenly mind, Allah's light (Noor) starts descending upon us and in this state of Prayer we break our link with the fictional senses. This state when one gets so absorbed in Allah's light and magnificence is called Istaghrāq.


Hażrat Ayesha Siddiqa narrates to us that when it was time for Prayer the Holy Prophet would not even acknowledge the presence of those around him and it would seem as if they were all strangers to him.


The Holy Prophet would stand in Prayer for so long that his blessed feet would get swollen.


Spiritual Prayer


Mehrāj means to enter the world of the unseen. When a believer attains Mehrāj through prayer, Angels appear in front of him. He travels through the Heavens, and through the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) he comes to know his Lord.