
The Prayer of Hażrat Hassan

Hażrat Hassan explained that there are three particular honours for the one who establishes Prayer:-


The first honour is that when a person stands up for Prayer, divine blessings form a cloud from his head up to the sky from which divine light pours down on him like rain.


The second honour is that angels gather on all four sides of the person and encircle him.

The third honour is that one angel says ‘Oh, one who is praying, if you could see who is in front of you and who you are talking to, I swear on the Lord you would not salute (say Salām at end of Prayer) until the Day of Resurrection’.



Spiritual Prayer


Mehrāj means to enter the world of the unseen. When a believer attains Mehrāj through prayer, Angels appear in front of him. He travels through the Heavens, and through the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) he comes to know his Lord.