
Eid Prayer

It is not compulsory for the inhabitants of villages and rural areas to attend the Eid Prayer. It is compulsory for the inhabitants of cities and large towns though. It is best to attend Prayer at a suitable location on the outskirts of the city, away from dwellings. In the case of a crowded city or a city that has spread over a large area, the Friday Prayer and the Eid Prayer may be offered in a number of places within the city.


The time for Eid Prayer starts after sunrise and lasts until sunset.


On Eid day the much-loved deeds of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) were to have a bath, use a misvak, wear new clothes and to put perfume on.


On the day of Eid-ul-Fitr it is necessary to give charity before the Eid Prayer, and on the day of Eid-ul- Ażhā it is necessary for one earning the minimum taxable income to sacrifice an animal.


The Eid Prayer consists of two rakats and just like the Friday Prayer, two sermons are also essential. These sermons take place after saying the Du’ā after Prayer. One should sit down quietly and pay attention to them.


In the offering of the Eid Prayer, as well as the usual Takbeers (saying the words Allāhu Akbar) there are also three more compulsory Takbeers in each rakat.


There is no Adhān or Iqāmat for the Eid Prayer.


The Imam recites the Holy Quran in a raised voice at Eid Prayers too.


It is the tradition of the Holy Prophet to go through one route and come back through another route when going to offer the Eid Prayer.



Spiritual Prayer


Mehrāj means to enter the world of the unseen. When a believer attains Mehrāj through prayer, Angels appear in front of him. He travels through the Heavens, and through the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) he comes to know his Lord.