
Adam and Eve

Allah ordered Adam:-


‘O Adam! Reside here in Heaven with your wife, and eat and drink happily from whereof you like but do not come near this tree or you shall be amongst the transgressors’


Until Adam and Eve did not commit disobedience they enjoyed Allah's blessings in Heaven. When they committed disobedience the atmosphere of Heaven could not tolerate them anymore and refused them. They got thrown into the ‘lowest of the low’ (Earth):


‘And We created man of the best stature and then We reduced him to the lowest of the low’ (Sūrah Tīn, 4)


There are two minds operating within man. One is the heavenly mind; that status of Adam before he committed disobedience and the other mind is the one that came into existence after disobedience. Adam, who was given authority by Allah to exercise his free will, had only one mind operative in him whose characteristic was to spend life in obedience. When Adam using his choice of free will committed disobedience, a second mind came into existence which was based upon disobedience. Until Adam and Eve spent their life within the sphere of the heavenly mind they were free of time and space restrictions. When they acted against the order of Allah, time and space restrictions were imposed upon them and the free mind became imprisoned and confined within difficulties and hardship. To spend life after becoming restricted in time and space Adam had to devise new methods. For example, in order to fulfil the demand of hunger and thirst he had to set up a cultivation system and carry out hard labour. As well as this he had to undergo a lot of wait, whereas in Heaven there was no such thing as wait. Adam admitted his mistake to Allah and pleaded for forgiveness. Allah said to Adam:


‘We will be sending our chosen people who will guide you to the straight path and those who act upon the guidance of those prophets will be permitted back in their home; Heaven once again’


When Adam disobeyed Allah the link between him and Allah was broken. Because this link was temporarily broken the heavenly mind refused them. There is an Arabic proverb that says, ‘Everything yearns to return to its source’. Therefore, to achieve the mind that is free of time and space restrictions we will have to employ the same method that we used to lose it. Using our choice of free will we will have to reject this mind in which we are enclosed within, the mind that caused us to move away from our liberated mind and lose the link which we had with Allah in Heaven. To search for this connection and to retain this connection has been termed as ‘Qiyām Salāt’ (establishment of Prayer) in the language of the Quran. Allah orders us to ‘establish Prayer’ in other words, to establish a link and relationship with Allah

-  such a relationship that stays firm and established in every state and situation in life.


When we want to achieve something we usually have to negate ourselves, in other words, give less importance to ourselves. We also have to sacrifice our time and our mental and physical health. Success in our mission will be in proportion to this sacrifice or negation. The more we sacrifice or negate the more success we will achieve.


Spiritual Prayer


Mehrāj means to enter the world of the unseen. When a believer attains Mehrāj through prayer, Angels appear in front of him. He travels through the Heavens, and through the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) he comes to know his Lord.