

Admi (Man/woman) and Insan (human being) are considered interchangeable terms. The Noble Quran has described the two separately.

Admi was born of a sperm and sperm is produced by man. In the Holy Book, Allah calls himself the best Creator. Admi and Insan are described differently. Insan is the best creation or created in best stature and Admi, worse of the worst. Since man is surrounded by Asfal (worst), therefore, life is marked by odour and pollution.

Man and human being are two different characters. Man has doubts, stubbornness, greed and avarice. Man considers material wealth everything and stays away from reality. Arrogance and pride is, in fact, revolt against the Creator. Man's creation starts with odour and stench and ends with it. Life depends on resources particularly food and man's food is nothing but odour and stench. Man's birth, his growth, his becoming parents and getting old-no matter how beautiful these things appear, there is nothing in them but stink and stench. On the contrary, human being is filled with Allah's noor.

The teacher began his lecture and lifted a glass that had little water. He raised the glass so that everyone could see it and then asked his students, "what do you think of this glass's weight?"

"50 gms, 100 gms or 125 gms?" Each student shared his guess.

The teacher smiled at this and said, "I can't tell you correct weight unless I weigh it myself."

'But question arises what will happen if I hold this glass in my hand', said the teacher.

'Nothing', replied students.

'And if I keep it in my hand for an hour'

'You will feel pain in your hand', said one of the students. 'Correct but what if I keep this glass in my hand for a day'

'Your hand will swell with pain', replied a student. 'Your muscle will inflame', said another.

'Okay, but did the weight of the glass change', asked the teacher.

'No', said students. 'Then what was the reason of this pain or muscle inflammation', asked the teacher.

The students remained quiet. Then one of them said, 'glass'. 'True, the problems of our life are also like this. If you keep your mind encumbered with them for a few minutes, these problems appear alright. If you pay more attention to them, they become headache. And if you continue to think about them, you won't be able to do anything.'

This theory is quite accurate. We attach so much importance to everyday issues that we keep thinking about them and this practice slowly and gradually wastes our energy. We fall victim to several diseases as a result of this stress including depression and tension.
Similarly, future always figures prominently in our conversation or thought. It is said that Allah provides everyone with rizq (livelihood). It is also our experience that until the age of 18 or 20, we do not need to work and when we come of age and get some education, we start thinking of future.

Hazrat Qalandar Baba Aulia (Rah) said:

"If you want to be happy, want to breathe in the environment of Jannah, want to get rid of all your worries, then irrespective of your age you must not feel more than 8 years old before Allah"

Contrary to this, as we grow up we start worrying about our future and livelihood. We impose several worries on ourselves. Man is separated from peace since he is no longer connected to his childhood. It is observed that peace since he is no longer connected to his childhood. It is observed that the pattern of peace and tranquility is stronger among children than elders. They are free of these tensions and thoughts. Childhood conceals a message for elders that Allah is the sustainer of everyone. He takes care of the needs of everyone. But when man is able to earn his livelihood, his pattern of faith becomes weak. If we believe in Allah as children believe their parents, we will get to know peace of mind.

Once a friend of Allah wondered as to how does Allah sends rizq (livelihood) to His servants? Allah might grant rizq but if someone refuses to have it, how could He make him eat? He left eating food. His family asked him to but he didn't. He left home, went to a graveyard and decided to sit there. While sun was still not set, a relative of one of the buried people came, prayed for his relative's soul and offered sweets to Allah's friend sitting there. He refused to receive them. The man wrapped sweets in a paper and left them beside him. At mid night, a few individuals came to the graveyard. They had a bag full of several articles. Allah's friend suspected that they were thieves who had come there to divide stolen articles. He, therefore, got up. The thieves thought that the man was an informer spying on them. When the thieves came close to him, they saw wrapped sweets. The opened the wrapper and found five pieces of laddoos (sweet balls). They thought that the man wanted to poison them through sweets and steal their articles.

The chief of the thieves said that the man should be punished. As a punishment, he be made to eat all the laddoos. Two thieves held the legs of the friend of Allah and two his arms. One sat on his chest and had him open his mouth and dropped laddoos into his mouth one by one. Even then he resisted. The thief sitting on his chest used his figures to force laddoos down his throat. The crumbs of laddoos stuck to his beard like cotton flecks. At this time, he heard a voice from high skies, "go home or else you will have laddoos like this in future too". He came back home. When his wife saw him, she understood what had happened.

Dear readers, do you know who was this Allah's friend?

Allah Hafiz

FEB 2016-QSM




Articles of 'MESSAGE OF THE DAY' from Qalandar Shaoor Monthly