

A trace of doubt or alteration in thought changes the course of one's inclination. That is why it is essential to be centered upon the initial thought to accomplish any task. This does not mean in any way that other ideas should not arise, but their flow should be in sync with the first thought. Synchronization in one's thoughts is attained when the mind is affixed on the original idea, and as a result, information within the subconsciousness begins to surface.

Information descends in stages. When one grasps information in its true form, and does not taint it with their own perspective, it enables them to enter the first stage, i.e. wahima. Wahima is a subtle pressure that is felt on the mind when information descends. Due to the dominance of light, the impressions at this stage are imperceptible to a limited consciousness. As people habitually see things in shapes and forms, the impressions that are owed to their subtleties go unnoticed by a partial mind.

The intrinsic attribute of an Insan (Human), however, in this corporeal world, is to accept information at the stage of wahima, where light dominates. Light has the attribute of dispersion and diffusion which make things visible and invisible respectively. This can be understood from the following example.

Example: Darkness is also a form of light and is thought of as the colour black. The interior of a dark room is not visible initially as one is not acquainted with the light of darkness that is diffused in the room. After some time, when objects become noticeable, it is presumed that the darkness has begun to subside, but in actuality, it has not. Rather, it is the individual who has become accustomed to the light of darkness. The colour black has a tendency to absorb all colours. That is why, when darkness diffuses into the room, it overpowers every shade.


Light is the basis of everything, but despite this, we see objects as separate entities. As in the case of a dark room, one can discern space between different objects. But those very spaces become non-existent when one concentrates on their core, i.e. Light. Awareness of this reality empowers one over time and space. Subsequently, one can then teleport from one place to another in an infinitesimally short amount of time, and they can materialise things as soon as they intend.

The infinite paradise in its own bounds, is also finite. Manifestation of an idea with the occurrence of a thought is the quintessential attribute of the realm of paradise. But there are other worlds as well that exist before paradise, for the universe is a combination of realms that overlap each other in a multitude of layers. This is explained through the following points. Read through them with due attention.

1.  Human beings were somewhere else before they arrived in paradise. Therefore, their final abode is not paradise, but the realm from where their journey began.

2.  The intention to create the universe is the second realm for all beings.

3.  The third realm is the command Kun (Be) from God that brought about the universe.

4.  The transition from the command Kun (Be) to Fayakun (It is) is the fourth realm.

5.  The manifestation of creatures, including man, happened in the fifth realm.

6.  The question, "Alastubirabbikum?" ("Am I not your Lord?") took place in the sixth realm.

7.  The seventh realm is when the creatures acknowledged the sovereign God.

8.  Adam was blessed with Ilm ul-Asma (knowledge of the formulation of universe/ knowledge of the names) in the eighth realm.

9.  Adam demonstrated the aforementioned knowledge to the Jinn and angels in the ninth realm.

10. One of the realms is where the angels prostrated to Adam, but Iblees (Satan) refused to do so. Adam then entered paradise.

As explained before, the first stage of information, when it enters into the conscious level is called wahima. If wahima were beyond the reach of human consciousness, our consciousness would not grasp it, but it does, and then transforms the information into the second stage.

Wahima amounts to a subtle pressure and pressure is formed due to gravity. Gravity is synonymous to dimensions that is concerned with the width and breadth of an object. Wahima is a stage where things do exist in shapes and boundaries, but despite their forms and proportions, one does not feel their existence due to unawareness of the light. These subtle features become obvious when the amount of pressure in wahima increases and transforms it into a thought; which is the second stage of information. At this point, the pressure deepens into a subtle sketch that appears on the mind (screen) in the form of currents.

A restricted mind perceives things in the secondary stage of information; the zones prior to it are unfathomable. As there is a realm of paradise before this corporeal world, similarly, wahima is a stage that exists before thought. Thoughts are related to Alam-e-Nasoot (the realm of the physical world) whereas the world preceding it concerns wahima. This shows us that wahima is the first ingress into the world of matter.

Humans beings inhabited paradise before coming into this corporeal world. What was the cause that made them leave the realm of paradise? It was the diversion from an infinite mind to a finite one that drove them out. God does not impose His commands, it were human beings who of their own accord accepted a life of hardships by not adhering to what was asked of them, and went astray. Following their own will restricted their senses, which still rule over them.

Objects, to the confined senses, are visible only when they appear distinct from the whole. This distinction however, melts down at the batin (inner), where everything is present in the form of light. The same principle is applicable to wahima. At this stage, as information is ingrained in the form of light, it is discernable only when dimensions surface.

An average mind is in an abyss, to the extent that it is incapable of comprehending information, even at the level of khayal (thought). Hence more pressure (gravity) builds up to make the impression visible this is the stage of tasawwur (conception). The stage of tasawwur is no different than the second phase of thought until one gains full awareness of the components hidden in the information. When one is immersed in tasawwur, the information therein assumes form. Taking form or being manifested implies that the object has covered a space as per its potential. God has referred to this state as asfala safileen (lowest of the low). Images in this realm appear to the limited senses when light settles down. This is the peak of nearness to restricted senses and remoteness from light As the images appear to the limited senses as the light settles down, the dimensions hidden in the image surface.

The true station or level for an individual in this corporeal world is the world of wahima - the first stage of information. One needs to acquaint themselves with light to enter into this realm. Everything that exists has fixed proportions, which creates distinction between entities. Similarly, light is in proportions too, but due to the process of diffusion, the confined consciousness does not discern light.

The attributes of impartiality and sacrifice in human beings, are in line with the attribute of light. This universe is established on a selfless act of sacrifice. Everything in the universe obliges to the command of God and is altruistically serving others beyond distinction. The sky is a canopy for both good and evil people, likewise, the earth provides a foundation to both the proud and the humble. This principle of selfless serving is followed by all creatures in the universe.

An action is propelled by a thought, and thought is always neutral, but people derive their own meanings out of it. For example, when a thought to provide food occurs, this information is boundless as the emphasis is only upon serving food. It does not contain the details as to whom we should feed, how many we should feed, or even what we should feed others with. If one begins to follow this line of questioning, and tries to create distinction from boundless thought, this is in fact going against the nature of the thought itself. There are birds, insects and other creatures present in the surroundings. Every morsel of food is destined to who will receive it. Accepting this information to provide food in its true form would be to feed others with what they have, irrespective of who is present.


Re-read this 'Message of the Day' for profound comprehension.

1.  The first stage of information is wahima, which entails subtle forms and features.

2.  When pressure in wahima increases, the lines and features within it begin to show, and it is called a thought.

3.  As the thought deepens, colours begin to surface.

4.  Colours belong to the world of senses.

5.  As soon as the senses overpower, the information takes physical form.

Example: A film recorded in a reel is the reflection of the mind of the producer. When light passes through the reel, it absorbs the images and displays them onto a screen. The screen is a source to display the reflection that is documented in the film. For the images to transfer onto the reel, it is imperative that they exist beforehand. If the film is about trees, it is a prerequisite that trees exist before the film is produced.

Where does the image on the cinematic screen traverse from? If it came from the reel, then where was the film recorded before it was imprinted on to the reel? Actions are guided and repeated in accordance to the information stored in one's memory. In other words, what we see within, is replicated outside. For instance, repetitively thinking about wheat does not reproduce wheat outside. In actuality, thinking about wheat manifests the reflection of wheat. Reflection refers to abundance. Therefore, wheat, despite being singular on the inner plane, seems plural on the outer plane. This is how illusions are created.

Read the above points with concentration.

Explanation: Eating food to satisfy one's appetite brings forth the assumption that the food has ended or been consumed and that the hunger has been sated, but after an interval, hunger pangs strike again, and the reflection of food emerges once more. Why does the desire for food resurface when hunger is sated, and despite eating wheat, why does the wheat not cease to exist?

The stages - Wahima (perception), Khayal (thought), Tasawwur (conception), Ehsaas (sensation) and Mazhar (physical form) - are all a concatenation of information. Information displays on to the inner screen from an unknown plane, but we deem it to be outside of ourselves. This thinking pattern diverts one's attention from the inner self and focuses only on the surface of things.

Rather than concentrating on entities one by one, if we focus on a uniform element (light) among them, this will centralize the faculty of sight on one point, which is otherwise divided on multiple levels. Unless this approach is adopted, one cannot enter into the realm of wahima. The basis of wahima is information, and the source of information is that station or level at which creatures are recorded in the form of images. Wahima is an initial step towards consciousness, and that is why if one becomes aware of the working of information inside of them, the constraints of the corporeal world break apart and paradise becomes their abode.

Honourable ladies and gentlemen, and my dear children!

Eid is a gift from God to embrace Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Decree) during Ramadan. Those who seek knowledge of the world within and give less importance to all other things, embrace true happiness. Festivals are a great source of celebration that helps free oneself from worries and mental restraints. As the Almighty God says,

"Lo! verily the friends of God are those on whom fear cometh not, nor do they grieve." (Quran, 10:62)

Happiness is when one feels the waves of contentment within. When two people hug each other with love and sincerity, they harmonise themselves with happiness.

Assalam O Alaikum - May God's blessing be upon you. Eid Mubarak - May good fortune remain with you.

Give Eidi (gifts) to children on my behalf. How much you wish to give is your choice.

May God protect you.





Articles of 'MESSAGE OF THE DAY' from Qalandar Shaoor Monthly