
DEC-2023-QSM Sources and Resources


In this universe, there are more worlds than one can count. Each of these worlds has an earth, and for the earth, the sky is the canopy. The sky has seven layers and so does the earth. Every layer is inhabited by creatures, and there is a complete and integrated system that is continuously in operation for the provision of their resources.

It is stated in the Holy Quran,

“God it is Who hath created seven heavens, and of the earth like thereof. The commandment cometh down among them slowly, that ye may know that God is Able to do all things and that God surroundeth all things in knowledge.” (Quran, 65:12)

No station in the skies and earth is free from the command of God. The visibly empty atmospheres are all colourful and life breathes within them; life creates life, and it is hidden within life. When one considers space to be empty, it is because, among their 12 trillion brain cells, those cells that are related to life in space, are not charged.

Every layer of the earth and sky is an expression of God’s glory, and everything that is displayed, is encompassed by His Knowledge.


Resources are transferred from the skies to the earth. Though there are uncountable resources, the substance with which they are all created is one. In the Holy Quran, this base particle of creation is referred to as ‘Maa’, and its general translation is ‘water’. In the spiritual sciences, Maa is a vast terminology, connected to both colour and light. Every creature is satiated with water alone however, water is not alone. God has placed within it the proportions of every creation. Through these proportions, various creatures and wonders are manifested. When those who engage in contemplation observe the colours in water, they are left astounded.


God Almighty has stated in the Holy Quran,

“God is He Who created the heavens and the earth, and causeth water to descend from the sky, thereby producing fruits as food for you, and maketh the ships to be of service unto you, that they may run upon the sea at His command, and hath made of service unto you the rivers; And maketh the sun and the moon, constant in their courses, to be of service unto you, and hath made of service unto you the night and the day. And He giveth you of all ye ask of Him, and if ye would count the bounty of God ye cannot reckon it. Lo! man is verily a wrong-doer, an ingrate.” (Quran, 14:32-34)

Every point in this verse of the Holy Quran expresses creative formulae and knowledge:

1. The birth of the skies and earth.

2. The downpour of water from the skies.

3. The manifestation of various provisions (resources) through water.

4. The subjugation of ships, and the path being paved for them in the sea.

5. The subjugation of the rivers.

6. The subjugation of the moon and sun, and them floating in their orbits continually.

7. The mastery over the senses (knowledge) of day and night.

8. The bestowal of things for our use, and the knowledge of those things.

9. The uncountable rewards (knowledge) upon mankind.

Write the verses and the formulae in this very sequence in your diary, and understand them through the ‘inner light’.

The glory of the best of all Creators, God, is that He creates features through water in the wombs of mothers, as He wills. The earth is a mother. When rainwater enters the earth, it manifests colours inside it according to the moulds that are present within her. To understand what these moulds are and how they differ, we can use the example of twins. The mould of every child in a womb is different. With twins, both get the same nutrition the mother does, however, as the moulds are different, there will surely be differences in the features and physical appearance in the case of both non-identical and extremely identical twins. This is also applicable to the creatures that are nourished in the womb of Mother Earth.

The best of all Creators, God has created everything with water and has subjugated water for mankind. It is worth contemplating that what we consider water, is only its liquid state, while water is itself water in all its states – the alternate states are solid, gas, halo, light, etc. While keeping this fact in mind, when one reads and contemplates the verses of Chapter Abraham in the Holy Quran, in every point therein on the subjugation of the seas, moon, sun, day, and night, they will find a revelation on the system of water.


Example: God Almighty subjugated the ship for mankind, and the ship is made of wood or metal. Mankind has been bestowed with the knowledge to transform wood and metal into ship, and by the command of God, while creating it, they are influenced to utilise the technology through which the ship sails the seas. Furthermore, mankind is also influenced to attain the knowledge of gathering all those properties that are inside water, through which wood and metals are created. When the ship sails on the river and sea, its weight is equal to the circumference of that part of the water in which it is present, and hence the ship does not sink. When there is an imbalance in weight, the ship sinks. When something is subjugated, then mankind attains the knowledge of the system associated with it to the extent that God wills.

Readers, if you contemplate these verses with a neutral mind, the  secrets will reveal themselves and the creative abilities will be activated.


The Creator of the universe, God Almighty states,

“God is He Who created the heavens and the earth, and causeth water to descend from the sky, thereby producing fruits as food for you.” (Quran, 14:32)

Provisions imply resources, and resources imply nourishment, fruits, flowers, plants, sunlight, shade, air, moisture in the air, gold, silver, wood, metals, minerals, visible and invisible creatures, and the necessities of life on earth. The proportions of all resources are present in water, and water descends from the skies. Just like our world, water is also a world. If the human and jinn men, women, and children attain the knowledge of water, and become aware of its true formula, then the access routes to the station from where water originates opens.

God Almighty has stated in the Holy Quran,

“As for those who strive in Us, We surely guide them to our paths, and lo! God is with the good.” (Quran, 29:69)

May God protect you.





Articles of 'MESSAGE OF THE DAY' from Qalandar Shaoor Monthly