

Life operates in time and space, Mankind, human beings, jinn, angels, trees, water, birds and mountains are all manifestations of time and space. Time is Zaman and space is Makaan. An individual sits in a particular direction at a certain place-the individual, direction and the place is Makaan (space), whereas the period in which the individuals present, the place from where life, and the movements required for life arrive, are Zaman (time). When there is a movement in Zaman, there is a manifestation in Makaan.

A twelve-year-old child is to a great extent aware of themselves, their parents, and their environment. The child progresses from being twelve years old and goes on to be thirteen years old, then twenty, thirty, and sixty years of age; the sixty-year-old child is. in close proximity with their life in the past because the impressions of time and space are transferred into them. They remember the school in which they completed their studies, the different teachers that were there, why they got good or bad results in exams, whose guidance left good impressions on their life and whose friendship transferred bad habits to them, etc. The recollections of their life from twelve to sixty years are time whereas, the impressions or images of life are space and are manifested in a certain space (earth, screen).

In addition to their past, an individual spends their life in the present too. Just like one would move around, sleep, sit, and stand on earth at the age of twelve, in this very same way, even at the age of sixty, one walks around, talks, gains knowledge, passes through experiences, and fulfils their needs on earth.

We remember the life of the past. In less than a second, the images of childhood emerge, the images of youthfulness appear vibrant, the reflections of a certain relative manifest and it strengthens to such an extent that we say with great conviction-there Was a revered man, we would sit with him, his heart felt the pain of the creatures of God, and he remained in the service of everyone. The memories of the past instantly spread on the screen of the mind.

In one aspect of life, we feel tangible, heavy, and confined; this feeling is related to this world where distance prevails. When this very same life appears as recollections of the past before u's, the weight the impressions goes on to be weightless, we feel free and the distances are overpowered. This means, that when a creature becomes far from is origin, it generates a feeling of heaviness, This feeling of heaviness is a result of their inclination towards a life that takes them away from reality. When the creature is close to its reality, despite the shape and form they become free from the shackles of gravity.

The thought of living one's life arrives from somewhere and the person who receives the thought leads their life on this foundation, When the thought of knowledge arrived, one contemplated and researched When the thought of marriage came to mind, they got married. When one received the thought of waking up from sleep, they woke up, and then after staying awake, as soon as they received the. thought of going to sleep, they slept. It is noteworthy that when the flow of information is affected, a person loses their sleep. If the thought of drinking water does not cone to us, then the feeling of thirst becomes a question.

A person came for healing and said, "About seven to eight years have passed since I have eaten bread. Whatever I earn, I spend on treatments."

I asked, "You have not eaten bread for eight years! How are you alive?" To which he replied, "There are biscuits for children, 1 dissolve them in water and drink it.”

I inspected his throat and it was okay, When I forced him to eat his eyes turned red and watery, however, the food' would not enter his throat. He began to cry. I talked to him at length. As we talked, he divulged that his mind had fixated on the idea that when, food passes through the canal, and he breathes, the food in the canal would stop the breath and he would die.

I explained to the, person, "Brother! The canal of breath is different from the canal of food, "I then told the person who had accompanied the man to take him to a butcher the following morning and show him that the canal of food had nothing to do with the canal of breath.

The next day, after visiting the butcher, they came in. l asked, Wil you eat bread'?"

The man replied, "Yes, if I can swallow, I will cat."

I began by serving him rice, The man counted four grains of rice and ate them. When all four grains wet down the man's throat, his happiness knew no bounds, After a few days, the person began eating to a full stomach.

It was just that his belief had been affected.

The statis of life is nothing but information and in information, there are proportions of time and space. When the information of eating arrives from someplace, we cat food, and the act of eating food gets recorded. Where does the record go? When we reminisce, it presents itself before us. The source where we receive the information from and the station where the actions are recorded is Zamaniyat (time). What is time? God has bestowed this. knowledge (however much He willed) to enlightened men and women.

"Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and (in) the difference of night and day are tokens (of His Sovereignty) for men of understanding, who remember God, standing, sitting, and reclining, and consider the creation of the heavens and the earth." (Quran, 3:190-191)

The elaboration of the hidden knowledge is that: mankind's the name of information, and information manifests in time and space. The information comes from somewhere and gets recorded. If it is not recorded then would remember their name.

Contemplate: A child is born. It is named Abdullah. The life of Abdullah is being recorded well: He watches his record anytime he wishes. When he is 10 days old- he is Abdullah; when he is 60 years of age, he is Abdullah too and when he turns 100 years old also, he. Will still be Abdullah. What then are 10 days and 60 years, where are they stored, and who is Abdullah? If the 60-year-old Abdullah is shown a picture of the 10-day-old infant Abdullah and told that it is him, he will not recognise himself, as there is the difference between the earth and sky in his appearance from then and now. Why then does the name not change?

Respected ladies and gentlemen! Real the Message of the Day with great focus, Pick up your pencils and multiply one year by the days and nights of sixty years. Now let us know how many days and. nights make up sixty years. Nevertheless, where did the space between the one and sixty years go? Why is it not visible?

May God Protect you.





Articles of 'MESSAGE OF THE DAY' from Qalandar Shaoor Monthly