
JAN-2024-QSM- Stage Of Divine Light


 Mumassil-e-Kainat                                                                                                            Respectful Receive Fortune

Syed Muhammad Azeem Barkhiya                                                                                    Disrespectful Receive Misfortune



Qalandar Baba AuliyaRA


From the perspective of the various activities that occur in the life of mankind, there are gradations in the inclinations: 

1) For instance, A, B, C, D, etc.

2) The inclination in discussion here is that which takes an individual, step by step, towards the cognition of the soul.

Materialistic Example: First, let us consider a materialistic example. When someone intends to be an artist, they gradually absorb the features of an image (they would like to sketch) inside their mind.

In their memory, it is firmly instilled that;


1. A specific type of pencil stroke is used to sketch the structure of the ears.

2. A second type is used for the structure of the eyes.

3. And a third stroke is used to sketch the structure of the hair.


Through practice, they gain complete control over their ability to present the pencil sketches of the various structures of each part of a human body. At this point, one can refer to them as an artist.

 How did all of this happen?

The reflection of the human features was present in the mind of the artist, and hence, when they wanted to wield the pencil to replicate this reflection, time and again, the reflection inside their mind guided them. In addition to this, the teacher who taught them the artistic skill, provided them with instructions on how to use a pencil, and also demonstrated how working on the features in a certain sequence helps them develop the sketch of a body part.

The role of teacher is limited only to this; they did not transfer the reflection of the image into the mind of the student. In fact, the image was already present in the student’s inner. In other words, we can say that there were thousands and thousands of human features saved inside the student’s soul. Therefore, when they wished to sketch the features on paper under the guidance of a teacher, all the sketches that were in their mind were transferred onto the paper.

Similarly, there are thousands of examples of these types of material skills from which we can deduce only one inference – the human personality has everything within it – artist, writer, tailor, blacksmith, carpenter, philosopher, medical professional, etc. However, one has to perform specific practices in a specific skill to activate them. It is only after this activation that a person is referred to as a practitioner of a skill or expertise i.e., we declare that they have become an artist, or a philosopher. That is, all these abilities were always present in their mind; they have only activated them. The assistance provided by a teacher is only a form of aid to activate inherent abilities.

Let us turn towards the true purpose of this article.

Just as a person is an artist, writer, and philosopher, in the same way, their personality has spiritual features and unique spiritual abilities of a saint, an enlightened person, and a Prophet. (Here Prophets (PBUT) are not under discussion, as the series of Prophets (PBUT) has ended. Only a spiritual person, whatever be their name, is our point of focus.).

Now, let us begin by mentioning the ability, ‘A’.

 What is a human being? How do we recognise them and what do we understand of them?

In front of us is a sculpture made of flesh and skin. From a medical point of view, muscles and nerves are wound upon a skeletal structure to give it the shape of a body. We refer to this as a body and consider it as real. What we refer to as garment or clothes, has been invented to protect the body. This garment could be made from cotton, woolen fabric, or even animal skin, etc. The only use of a garment is to protect the body of flesh and skin. However, the truth is that a garment has no life or movement of its own. When we wear clothes on the body, they move along with the body. That is, garments receive the movement that a body transfers into it. The truth is that the movement* of garments are due only to the bones in a body.

 When we lift our arm, the sleeves of our tops also move along with the arm of flesh and skin. The sleeve is the arm of the garment which is used for the protection of the body. When one elaborates on garments, they will say that when a garment is on a body, the movement of the body is transferred into it, and if the garment is removed and placed upon a bed or hung on a hanger, all of its movement is disconnected.

Now let us compare the garment to the body. Many examples can be cited on this, however, this one example elaborated below will give a clear description for understanding. Let us consider that a person has died. After their death, if one chopped their body into pieces, dragged it around, or did anything else with it, the body will not defend itself nor will there be any movement coming from it. If the corpse was put aside, there is no way, that even in a single moment, that a single trace of life will birth inside it. It will remain in the same state that it was when put aside.

This means that after one’s death, the status of the body is nothing but that of a garment. The real human being is not in the body, rather, they have left the garment and gone somewhere else. When one’s observations and experiences have decided that the body of flesh and skin is a garment and not what we refer to as a human, then is it not important to know who or what a real human is and where it is that they go after their death?

If this body was truly a human, then in one way or another, one would surely find traces of life in it. However, in the entire history of mankind, there is not a single example where there was movement in a dead body. In these circumstances, we are compelled to explore the reality of the human who left this garment called the body for somewhere else. In the words of the Messengers of God, this human being is the Rūh (soul) and the Rūh is a human’s real body. In fact, it is this very body which possesses all those abilities, a collection of which is       referred to as life.

*Elaboration: What is movement? Mankind is light (Soul), and this light arrives from somewhere. If the transmission of this light suspended, a thousand bulbs would convert into darkness, that is, there would be no light. In the same way, if the units of life inside an individual are disconnected, the body will be declared dead. A bulb is lifeless without electricity. This means that the flow of current disconnects itself from its system. 

Dear readers, what is life? It is a current; how is this current transmitted then?

Each wire connects with other wires, and continues to transmit the current. Think! Contemplate! Observe the system that transmits light inside our homes. Contemplate the network of veins and their interconnection; in essence, they are generators. The true name of the light that is within mankind is Nūr (a stage of Divine Light), however, it is referred to as ‘Light’ in the material world.






Articles of 'MESSAGE OF THE DAY' from Qalandar Shaoor Monthly