
Time is the Past

In one sitting, throwing light from the spiritual point of view, on Time and Space, Qalander Baba Auliya said, "Every creation is dihedral and exists in the form and shape of two sides. Thus, life also has two aspects. One is its wider aspect or the Unconscious and the other is the limited or the Conscious aspect." "The wider aspect; Unconscious is the Time and Eternity is its limit whereas the limited aspect; the Conscious is the Space, which, in fact, is division or part only. Now the question is what the Time is actually? And, what is the division of Time or the Space is and how does it come into being?" "Normally it is considered that Time is passing whereas, in actual effect, time is a record (Past). Present and Future do not exist separately rather these are the components of the Past." "It is the statement of Holy Prophet (PBUH), "Pen dried after writing what was to happen."


Then explaining this quotation of Holy Prophet (PBUH) Qalander Baba Auliya said:


"There is book that has been written i.e. the Past is a record. There are different ways to study that .book. If the book is read from beginning to its end, word after word, line after line and page after page, in sequence and order. Now this manner of studying the book is that of wakefulness or the Conscious. Man's conscious experience is that one moment is followed by another, one day is lived then the next and thus days become weeks, weeks become months, months become years and years take the form of centuries that pass in an order and sequence. Thursday cannot come after Tuesday unless the Wednesday is not lived by, Similarly, March cannot come if the proceeding months are not live by. This very way of living is the Conscious way of life. In Spiritualism this way of living is termed as Serial Time or the Wakefulness."

Then mentioning the dreams, he said, "Other way of studying the book is that works during sleep or dreaming. A man sees in a dream that he is in London and the very next moment he sees himself in Karachi. This manner of living is termed as Non- serial Time or the Time of Unconscious, which is that manner of studying the book in which the order and sequence are ignored. During dreaming, the speed of the human


Senses increases to that extent whence he enters into the Unconscious and all that is witnessed in the dreams is mostly related to with the Future. "Sometimes man is warned, in his dreams, about the accidents and mishaps which are about to take place in the Future and after adopting the precautionary measures one can avoid the accidents or the mishaps. Sometime, during wakefulness, one’s sixth sense warns him about the future accidents. Such events are quite common for people at large. And, these all have only one explanation that mind enters into the Non- serial Time (Unconscious) momentarily leaving the Serial Time (Conscious) and perceives that is about to happen. But this happens involuntarily and, if this activity could be controlled and associated with will using the Muraqba Technology then, one can observe and study the events that are yet to happen, even during one's wakefulness. Because, all that will happen tomorrow (in the confines of Serial Time) already exists today (in the Non-serial time) and as it existed yesterday (in the past). Thus it becomes clear that Time is only the Past. Present and Future come into being only due to the difference of the ways of the study of the Book."


"It is just as if a person is watching a movie in a cinema hall. Scenes of the movie are appearing before him in a sequence. He considers the scenes that are before his eyes as Present and the scenes that have passed his vision as Past and the scenes that would come later as Future, though the entire movie is the Past. Since the past and Future are not present before his Conscious he thinks time is passing. It means that Time is Past (A Recorded Film). Difference is only that of the ways of perusing the Time. In the first way, there is an order and is sequential and is called Serial Time. In the second way moments do not take place in a sequence, one after the other rather the mind jumps and enters a moment skipping the mediatory moments. This is termed as Non-serial Time. As I have stated that entire Time from Eternity to Eternity is Past (Record) and the moment that encompasses the Time in its entirety, Spiritualists term it Real Time. This very Time has been referred to in the statement of Holy Prophet (PBUH); 'The Pen has dried after writing all that is to happen.' That means everything has happened in Timelessness or the Real Moment and all that is happening is a part of the Past."

Qalander Baba Auliya: An Introduction

Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi


To that young generation that would 6ring an end to the dark shadows of grief and fear by acquainting mankind- with peace and tranquility after equipping itself with the teachings of Qalander Baba Auliya…. and man would-able to enter the heaven after reclaiming his eternal distinction.