
I lifted the basket

Once at about 11.30 in the night, Qalander Baba Auliya asked me, "Can we have fish?"

I said, "It is 11.30 ... anyway I try, I might get it from .some restaurant."

Qalander Baba Auliya said, "No, I don't want the hotel cooked. I felt like having home cooked fish."

In those days Nazimabad wasn't so populated. My mind was racing as to from where could I have the fish and I went into the kitchen and picked up the basket but before I could reach the main gate, he said, "Leave it, we would see to it in the morning."

I left the basket and went to my room. Less than an hour, somebody knocked at the door. When I answered the door, I found a man on the door with freshwater fish. Handing that fish to me he said, I am coming from Thatta, and I brought this fish for Qalander Baba Auliya. Just give my regards to him. And, with that he took his leave.

Qalander Baba Auliya: An Introduction

Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi


To that young generation that would 6ring an end to the dark shadows of grief and fear by acquainting mankind- with peace and tranquility after equipping itself with the teachings of Qalander Baba Auliya…. and man would-able to enter the heaven after reclaiming his eternal distinction.