In Medina, Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to
address the Muslims in Friday Prayer Congregation resting his back on a dry log
of date-tree. One of the lady-companions of Medina, got a podium prepared from
very fine wood and presented it to Holy Prophet (PBUH) and requested him to use
that podium during his addressing the Muslims. On Friday when Holy Prophet (PBUH)
got on to that podium, people heard someone crying. The crying was full of pain
as a she-camel cries when she is separated from her baby or as if a child cries
for his mother. It was a cry of pain. Everyone in the mosques heard it. Holy
Prophet (PBUH) got down the podium, approached that date-tree log, placed his
hand upon it, and then hugged it. The crying of the log ceased but was still
sighing as if a baby sobs even after the mother embraces him when he was weeping.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) addressing that log
said. “If you say, I pray for thee that God may place thee in the Heaven where I
would be. Thee will remain there till Eternity and prophets and friends of God
would enjoy thy fruits.
"Please do it!" was the response
of that log Holy Prophet (PBUH) ordered burial of that Log in the courtyard of
the Mosque.”
Not only that plants and trees are alive
but they also possess consciousness, senses and feelings. They recognize the
feelings of our love and hatred and are influenced by it. Plants are fully
versed with telepathic transference of thought waves. Plants also see, hear,
speak, think, remember and can read our hidden thoughts.
Resulting various experiments in the
laboratories scientists have established that plants have consciousness and
they express their feelings.
They enjoy the company of good-natured
people and dislike the people with intricate mind and negative thinking. It has
been proved using the Kirlian photography technique that a plant rejoices when
someone places his hand upon that plant with love and affection. This increases
the force of radiant halo around the plant.
When a person having love and affection in
his heart for plants, plants a tree, waters it and looks after it, the speed of
growth of the plant is better than other similar type of trees. In California,
owner of a nursery prepared a thorn-free cactus. It took him years in
developing that kind of cactus, which had no thorns or prickles on it.
Explaining his method, he said that he used to tell those plants they need not
to grow thorns for their protection because he was there to protect them, so
these plants have stopped growing thorns and prickles. This did take quite a
time in assuring the plant that it didn't need to grow prickles any longer. He
used to talk to the plant kindly and tenderly and made arrangements to assure
the plant that it is safe and protected and properly looked after. When the
plant was convinced it stopped growing prickles and a new species of cactus was
thus produced.
A team of Canadian researchers during their
experiments in Ottawa University discovered that if the wheat seeds are exposed
to sound waves of 5000 Hertz, they sprout and grow faster. To determine the
effects of music on plants experiments established that loud and noisy music
made the plants to bent in the opposite direction of the source of music
whereas the tender and gentle music would entrance them.
A researcher thought of using polygraph: a
device used as a lie detector, based upon recording of simultaneous recording
of involuntary physiological activities including blood pressure, skin
resistivity, pulse rate, respiration and perspiration, for the recording of
changes taking place in a plant. He clipped the wires of the instrument with a
plant and started having the record of the changes in the form of a graph. He
watered the plant, the plant showed feelings of satisfaction in the form of
harmonious lines of the graph. The researcher thought of burning the plant. The
plant expressed its fear by sending the graph lines to their peak.
That was interesting, next time he just
pretended to burn the plant and even lit the matchstick but the plant didn't
express any emotion. That researcher was so involved with the plants of his laboratory
that once when he hurt his finger the plant felt his pain and expressed its
anguish upon the graph.
A professor of physics in Presidency
College Calcutta, who an expert in Radio Researches, during his research to
find some link between the animal tissues and metal string tensions, thought of
making few researches on the tissues of plants as well. He established that
even the tissues of a plant had effects of tension and stress. They faint when
chloroform was administered upon them and fresh air revived them. Teasing makes
them weary and tired.
When the scientists of Kazakhstan
University, in their search for metals, sought cooperation of the plants they
instructed them to give them an impulse if there is some metal underneath their
roots. This experiment proved to be a great success and they explored many
metal mines.
One of the plant researchers expressed this
view that there exists a common linkage between the information system of
plants and human beings, which despite their ostensible difference do
understand one another's messages.
It is stated in the holy Quran:
"Seest thou not that it is God Whose
praises all beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate and the birds of
the air with wings outspread? Each one knows its own mode of prayer and praise.
And, God knows well all that they do." (S:
24, V: 41)
"The seven heavens and the earth and
all beings therein declare His glory; there is not a thing but celebrates His
praise and yet ye understand not how they declare His glory! Verily He is Oft-Forbearing,
Most Forgiving". (S: 17, V: 44)
"Whatever is in the heavens and on
earth, let it declare the praise and glory of God: for He is the Exalted in Might
and Wisdom.
To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens
and the earth. It is He Who gives life and death; and He has Power over all
things. He is the First, and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent and He has
full knowledge of things." (S:
57, V: 1-3)
God Almighty has stated at various places
in the holy Quran that everything that exists in the heavens and on the earth
has consciousness and knows the method of its praying and declaring glory of
God. Holy Prophet (PBUH) being the Mercy for the Worlds knows every creation of
the heavens and the earth and every creation also knows it well that Holy
Prophet (PBUH) is Mercy for it. When date tree log saw that Holy Prophet (PBUH)
has left him and taken the podium he felt grieved and it started crying and its
sobbing moved Holy Prophet (PBUH) and he patted it tenderly and said, “If you
say, I shall pray for thee that God may place thee in the Heaven where I would
be. Thee will remain there till Eternity and prophets and friends of God would
enjoy thy fruits."
The conscious of the date tree log pacified
upon hearing this bestowal. This reveals this fact that every tree speaks,
hears and has feelings. It rejoices and feels grieved like human beings and
even knows the importance of the praying and requests for it.
MOHAMMAD (PBUH) The Prophet Of God Part 2
Technically the word 'miracle' donates a metaphysical phenomenon performed by a prophet of God to establish the truth his prophetic knowledge.Besides the prophets of God many other people of mankind have also demonstrated feats of metaphysical nature. Many such events that have been recorded in the history are evident upon this fact. Holy and good-natured people perform, such metaphysical demonstration to warn, notify and guide their fellow beings. Qalander Baba Auliya writes in his remarkable book “Loh-o-Oalum”.