
Complaining Camel

Once Holy prophet (PBUH) was sitting with his companions when a camel came to him and placed his head upon his feet, Holy Prophet (PBUH) told his companions that the camel was complaining about his master. Then he purchased that camel from his master.

Once Holy Prophet (PBUH) visited an orchard belonging to an Ansari where a camel seeing Holy prophet (PBUH) started crying. Seeing the tears rolling down the eyes of the camel, Holy prophet (PBUH) approached the camel and patted its neck. The camel looked towards Holy prophet (PBUH) gratefully with love and complained about his master. Holy prophet (PBUH) asked about the master of the camel. An Ansari youth came forward and submitted that he was the owner of that camel. Holy prophet (PBUH), said to him, "Don't you fear God that has made you the master of this quadruped. Your camel has complained that you under feed it and put him to arduous work.”


MOHAMMAD (PBUH) The Prophet Of God Part 2


Technically the word 'miracle' donates a metaphysical phenomenon performed by a prophet of God to establish the truth his prophetic knowledge.Besides the prophets of God many other people of mankind have also demonstrated feats of metaphysical nature. Many such events that have been recorded in the history are evident upon this fact. Holy and good-natured people perform, such metaphysical demonstration to warn, notify and guide their fellow beings. Qalander Baba Auliya writes in his remarkable book “Loh-o-Oalum”.