

Just like the solar system, the human system also has a point of focus—a centre. In order to reveal the system and the centre of mankind, it is essential that we become familiar with that law based on which every moving planet of this system orbits around its centre.

[Like in the solar system], in the human system also, many planets orbit around their centre, and as a result, a vast multitude of people revolve around them. This act does not rein; in limited to this world alone, in the heavens as well only those names are called out that are focused on their centres.

The Prophet (saw) of Allah has said:

When Allah loves a servant, He conveys to Gabriel'' that, 'I am freinds with such and such a person; you be his friend also.' Then Gabriel also loves him and sends a call to the dwellers of the heavens, so they also grow fond of him and make him their beloved. And when the love for him is announced in the heavens, the hearts of those on earth are also opened towards him, and he gains love and acceptance among all. [Bukhari and Muslim]

These are those pure-natured people belonging to mankind who are aware of the galactic system working within them. When a person reaches on inner awareness, and the curtain of space and time lifts from his eyes, he is able to see that all is present within him Within the human person is a point and this point is a microfilm of the universe. When this point is allowed to expand and broadcast, the entire universe comes into motion on the screen of the human mind

A beautiful and fitting example of this point is the seed of the Banyan ['strangler fig'] tree. When the earth gives it warmth, according to a special process, the seed of the Banyan tree, which is even smaller than a poppy seed, breaks free of its outer covering and the seedling of the Banyan tree appears from within. Then this seedling grows into a tree so large that a large group of men can stand under it. When a seed tinier than that of a poppy can hide an entire Banyan tree within then what kind of wonders must be hidden within a human being who is Ashraf-ul-makhlookat ['best of the creatures']?

The beneficence of nature exists for the benefit of everyone. All that is desired happens. Nature is, at every moment, busy guiding mankind. If we can discover the atom, distribute sound waves across the entire world, and create microfilm, then we can also gain the knowledge of that point within us which, like the seed of the Banyan tree, contains a record of the entire universe.

Confines of time and space lose their hold on those servants of Allah who delve into this boundless sea of awareness, and factors which are a product of time, such as sorrows, difficulties, and worries, all break their ties with such people. When a person steps into this realm of action, Allah showers him with favours and bounties, and the entire universe orbits around him.

Journey Towards Insight


Science has made immense progress, yet many believe that, even with all of the modern tools at our disposal, human beings function at no more than 10% of their mental capacity. This leads to the question of what exactly it is that comprises the remaining 90%. Yet another question that arises is this: If it has taken man four and a half billion years to be able to apply only 10% of his ability, how long will it take for him to make use of the remaining 90%?