
Charming Face

Our King is God. Our king is the Prophet(saw) appointed by God.

A few intellectuals were sitting contemplating. The issue being discussed was: 'What is attraction?' Why is it present?' And, 'What is its source and fountainhead?'

One said one thing, and another gave arguments in support of his own point of view. One man spoke out thus:

"The earth has attraction (gravity). This is why

an apple falls on the ground."

Another man said:

"But according to general observation, the

force of gravity can also be escaped, even if

temporarily. Speed and haste are also a way to

escape the force of gravity."

Far from the city, away from human habitation, in a deserted area lived a wise man. When the issue could not be resolved to any conclusion, the men went to this wiseacre and inquired:

“Sir, what is this force of attraction?"

The wise man dived into the sea of contemplation and brought to surface precious pearls of wisdom. He said,

"Right now whatever is present before us is space. A bottle is a bottle because there is space inside it. If the earth did not have space within it, seeds could not nourish and grow. If seeds are freed from space (i.e. turned into lentils) then life after life, even the concept of a tree would not remain."

Man is also space, and within this space flows stream of life. The universe is also space, and this space orbits around a Being that is its life force. When pieces of space combine, they turn into earth, iron, stone, gold and silver. If they are broken apart, they go on dividing indefinitely.

The wise man picked up a lump of clay. He showed it to the people and said, 

"Sirs, if this lump of clay is thrown at someone with force, will it hurt?"

The people replied, "Yes, it will hurt."

The wise man crushed the lump of clay into fine powder and blew it in the air. He then asked the people,

"Where is that lump of clay?"

Then he picked up two dried stalks of the same shape and size. He threw them both in the air at the same time. They did not land on the ground at the same time. He said,

"Friends, both of these stalks were thrown in the air at the same time. The space they were thrown into was the same. The strength that was exerted to throw them was. Then why did these sticks not land on the ground at the same time? This is because the action of space keeps on interchanging within things."

Our king is God. Our king is the Prophet(saw) appointed by God.

On the other side of space is a ruler-the All-Powerful Emperor. All of a sudden He thought that a system should be established so people would recognize Him. As soon as the thought occurred, intention was formed. That intention took the form of 'Kun' ['be'] and shaped into such an image whose every part presents a complete and coherent picture.

In the absence of a screen, a picture cannot be displayed; in the absence of space, there can be no mention of a screen. Each and every particle that is space is so because someone inhabits it. King of the kings, Allah, has turned every particle into space to exhibit His glory, and then has occupied that Space. But He has placed a screen between the particle and Himself. Everything behind the screen is anxious to view the charming Face. This restlessness is the force of attraction. This is the force of attraction in pursuit of which men give up kinships. This is the attraction which man uses as a staircase to reach where physical features (dimensions) do not exist. The closer this attraction is towards the Omnipotent, the greater a rank one is given as a member in God's Kingship, and his thoughts become the thoughts of his King. King of the king, Allah, is free from the tangles of time and space.

Our King is God. Our king is the Prophet(saw) appointed by God.

The Prophet king(saw), as a member in the kingship of Allah, fulfilled this law of attraction during Shab-e-Mairaaj ['The night of heavenly ascension'], so much so that Allah the Exalted Himself said:

“The intimate conversation that took place between us and Our servant did occur. What the heart witnessed was not a lie."

Journey Towards Insight


Science has made immense progress, yet many believe that, even with all of the modern tools at our disposal, human beings function at no more than 10% of their mental capacity. This leads to the question of what exactly it is that comprises the remaining 90%. Yet another question that arises is this: If it has taken man four and a half billion years to be able to apply only 10% of his ability, how long will it take for him to make use of the remaining 90%?