

When we mention religion, we tend to think of two styles of thought. Those belonging to one of these schools of thought are a rare group, while those belonging to the second school of thought are in the majority. Both of these groups claim that they have received a divine blessing. Those belonging to one of these styles of thought are hard on their own souls but kind and affectionate to others. Those belonging to the other group are so far removed from the common people that it seems as if they have drifted away from the natural and instinctive needs and are treading a most incorrect path. One of these groups is emotionally volatile and easily influenced by outside factors, while individuals of the other group love a life of morality and action. Both say that their trust is in Allah and whatever they do, they do it for the sake of Allah. But the individuals of one of the two groups always remain in the clutches of fear and grief. Whatever the members of that group do, they say that it is for the alleviation of fear and grief, but as practical life in the form of religion surrounds them, they become more and more entangled in the trap of fear, terror, and doubt. All their emotions turn cold, and when an emotion gains intensity, each individual harboring that emotion wants to see every other individual suffer at the hands of fear and grief, just as he suffers. [For that group] the foundation of every act worship and spiritual exercise is that the act will free one from fear. As to when this freedom will be attained— that is a question regarding which no evidence based on certainty is available to them. And without solid evidence man lose personality.

Once, a place became flooded. The entire area sank under water except for a small hill that remained above water level. People, and many animals from the jungle, as well as blip and insects, came to seek refuge on that hill. A lion came, swimming toward the hill; panting like a dog he sat down among the people. He was so fearful that he had lost awareness of his surroundings. A man, very calmly, got up with his rifle and shot the lion in the head. Under the emotion of fear, the lion had forgotten his beastly qualities, and the emotion of fear had made him more cowardly than a goat.

When we mention the emotions that come into play in life, we see that along with circumstances and incidents, emotions also are subject to change. If an atmosphere of fear and terror is created, people live a life of fear. Contrary to this, if the atmosphere is that of courage and bravery, people do not become cowards. Similarly, if the environment contain elements of laziness, idleness, and indifference, most people living in such an environment become lazy and slothful. And if laziness and indolence are

removed from the environment, to the same degree people become active and, employing their will power, they accomplish great feats.

An example: There is a comfort-loving woman who does not want to suffer any inconvenience. She habitually sleeps in. She turns away from any place she fears she might face difficulty or worry. But within the same woman, a revolution occurs, as she becomes a mother. As maternal instincts envelop het, she stays awake at nights. Without excuses or complaints, she brings up her child and educates and trains him, overlooking any thought of hardship and discomfort. Quite on the contrary, the discomfort she suffers due to the child further deepens her sense of action. Personally, she may be miserly, thoughtless and selfish but, for the child, she always makes sacrifices.

Those who are nut free from a life of fear always remain under the attack of selfish and carnal emotions. These carnal emotions turn them into their subjects. Narcissism and carnal feelings eventually make them listless and inert, and when they enter that period of life where these emotions cool down naturally, they are left suspended in an unending state of boredom and annoyance. To fight this condition, they employ such means as only cause pain and suffering to others. For instance, when they want to invite another person towards goodness, they say out loud without hesitation: 'You do not perform acts of goodness.' That is, they intend to say: 'We are righteous.' Some matters demand understanding, thought and reflection. If they are unable to make such matters clear to the other person, they start to express anger and hatred. And this style of thought makes such a deep imprint upon them that their faces become distorted and devoid of spirituality. And, on their faces, one can see an agonizing film being played out.

The other group is one that does not have fear in its style of thought. Whatever it does or whatever actions are committed by it are not based on the fear of hell. The goal of life of such people is the friendly communication with their Lord, and happily submitting to their Creator, and giving themselves up to Him. They are relieved of all types of fear and doubt and a state of peacefulness infused with obedience takes charge of their personality. They deny themselves the desire for popularity, honour or power. They refrain from engaging in untruthfulness and acts of hypocrisy. They do not deceive anyone by their words and actions. They treat each other with complete honesty. They tell the truth without fear, as they see it. They do not accept the doubts, weaknesses and uncertainties, arising in people's hearts. They remain serious, and speak of matters soberly. And they advise their human brothers and sisters to live their lives in a serious way as well. Also, they do not display false humility or exhibit their Educational prowess. Pride and pretentiousness keep away from them.

By correcting one's center of emotions, cleanliness and purity is developed within a person to such a great degree that he is freed from spiritual illnesses and disharmony of life. His heart becomes purified of carnal temptation and indecent thoughts. He is freed from the impurities of the world. Such a person adopts an attitude of love and kindness towards all his brothers and sisters and all of Allah's creatures. He loves his enemy and interacts with kindness and benevolence towards even those whose outward appearance may be repulsive. If the center of emotions is not corrected, man becomes an active member of [the life of] harshness, discord, hypocrisy, short sightedness, pride and contemptuousness, greed, and an inferiority or a superiority complex—he becomes someone whom Satan recruits among the progeny of Iblis ['the being. who disobeyed Allah and seeks to send humanity toward heir] and employs him for his own missions.

Journey Towards Insight


Science has made immense progress, yet many believe that, even with all of the modern tools at our disposal, human beings function at no more than 10% of their mental capacity. This leads to the question of what exactly it is that comprises the remaining 90%. Yet another question that arises is this: If it has taken man four and a half billion years to be able to apply only 10% of his ability, how long will it take for him to make use of the remaining 90%?