Three terms of taddalla, abdaa and khalq
have been coined to describe the whole domain of the spiritual sciences and
the Knowledge of the Appellations, which God granted to His vicegerent, man. Taddalla
(Inclination) is the attribute of the Implied Names. Abdaa (Germination)
is related to with the Substantial Names and Khalq (Creation) is the
property of the Controlling Names. When the properties of the Controlling Names
are exhibited in the form of features of a manifestation or, to say, when the
attributes of the Controlling Names are manifested then the ability of
distinguishing between them is known as tadbeer (Contrivance).
1. Taddalla (Inclination) Isma-e-Itlaqia (The Implied Names)
2. Abdaa (Germination) Isma-e-Ainiya
(The Substantial Names)
3. Khalq (Creation) Isma-e-koniya
(The Controlling Names) and
4. Tadbeer (Contrivance)Variety of features in manifestations.
Every Appellation of God, before taking the form of a
manifestation, covers three descents. When we mention Raheem (The
Merciful) as an Appellation or Name of God, all these three stages are referred
to. All these three stages are always actively operating in every creature of
the universe but only man and jinns have been given knowledge about them. Man
has been granted this knowledge because he has been appointed as the vicegerent
of God and being the vicegerent he has to exercise certain powers on behalf of
God which is only possible when the knowledge about the powers and the manner
in which these are required to be exercised is not only known but also observed
carefully. A person who knows the knowledge of the Implied, Substantial and Controlling
Names becomes the vicegerent of God on earth and participates in the
administrative system of Lord's kingdom.
The Attributes operative
in the Appellation Raheem are related to with the creative working that
includes both the departments of life and death or life here and hereafter.
When a person dies, in actual fact, leaving one zone he enters into another
zone. A person, for instance, who expires here in this material world, is borne
in the Purgatory. The cycle of coming into being in one zone and after expiry
over there one borne again in another zone, keeps on going from one's Beginning
in Eternity (azal) and continues until one reaches the Ending in
Infinity (ab'ad).
Where the miracles of Christ have been mentioned in the
holy Quran, a reference to all these three attributes of Raheem (The
Merciful) is made and the manifestation of the third descent has been named as,
breathing soul has been named. Sabita or the Great Soul enjoys the
property of possessing the Implied Names, that is, when a person manages to
know the Inclining Power or taddalla of the Appellation Raheem,
he is bestowed upon with the powers of the vicegerent of God and he can bring
back even a dead body to life or can create anything at his own. If a spiritual
associate wants to make use of the Attribute of the Appellation Raheem,
he has to incorporate this thing in all the three levels of the soul, the Great
Soul, the Great Soul, Human Soul and Animal Soul, by means of muraqba that he
is directly associated with his Lord because of this Attribute of Mercy. When a
spiritual associate performs muraqba of the Attributes of Raheem, the Attribute
becoming the Beatific Vision enters his soul and step-by-step descends down to
the level of the Animal Soul. When, from there, it is inducted into a dead
body, that body is brought back to life.
The book Loh-o-Qalum (The Pen and The Scripturum) was written by His Divine Grace, Qalander Baba Auliya at the behest of the Holy
Prophet; the Prophet
of Islam, (Peace
and Blessings of God
be upon him). This auspicious command was given
to him by the Holy
Prophet directly, in a manner, which is known as the Owaisian Manner.
Possessor of the
Insinuated Knowledge, Knower
of the Secrets
of the Command, “Be!” Proclaimer
of the Reality, the Kind Preceptor, His Divine Grace,
Hassan Ukhra Mohammad
Azeem Burkhiya Qalander Baba Auliya (May the blessings
of God be upon him),
whose saying is the saying
of God though uttered
through the human mouth, narrated
the contents, which
were inscribed on the
screen of my mind, by his strong Spiritual Influence, word by word ……. And, thus, this inspired
writing, stated by Qalander Baba Auliya and penned down by me took the form of Loh-o-Qalum
(The Pen and the Scripturum).
This knowledge of the Spiritual Science is the heritage of mankind and jinns. I, hereby, deliver this trust onto the present and the future generations of man and the jinns.