of soul demands continuous activity and movement. Man keeps in doing one or the
other thing just as is done during wakefulness but he remains oblivious of this
deeds and activities. The only awareness he retains is that of the dreams. How
can we possibly be aware of activities of sleep other than those of the dreams.
A proper record of the activities performed by the human self during sleep could
be compiled if the memory might be, somehow, enabled to retain them. Memory retains
only those impressions which are deep, sharp and lasting. It is our observation
that we can remember only those things which are attentively attended during wakefulness
and those which fail to attract our attention are simply forgotten. When we would
want to remember all the activities of sleep, ad a principle we have to have arrangements
of keeping our sight ever readily informed all the same. This can only be possible
by remaining awake. Man’s nature has the propensity of arousing the self after inducing
sleep upon him. The activities of the self begins then. Contravening this habit
initially causes contractions in feelings but after lapse of two days and two nights,
at the least, one starts feeling lightheartedness and the activities of the self
start taking place. In the beginning, activities of the self could be observed through
closed eyes. After practising continuously the schedule of remaining awake for many
weeks or months activities of the self begin to appear even before the open eyes.
Sufis term the state of Observations thought closed eyes as Reminiscence (Warood)
and that of the open eyes as Observation (Shahood).
In both these states the sight sees through the lens of the Obscure Subtlety. And,
whatsoever is observed are the impressions of Confluence (Jowviyah). These
impressions are those Beatific Visions which are reflected from the Firmly
Affixed Inscription (Sabita) and transforms
into certain forms, shapes and activities in the confluence (Jowviyah). As
long as these Beatific Visions are there in the Firmly Affixed Inscription they
are called the Invisibility of Unseen (Ghaib-ul-Ghaib) and also known as
Elohistic Knowledge. Reflection of these Beatific Visions in the Substantiality
(Aayan) is called the Unseen or the Elohistic Commands. Then, after getting
into the limits of Confluence the reflection of these Beatific Visions becomes the
Reminiscences or the Observations.
Qalandar Baba Auliay (R.A)
Alshaikh Khwaja
Shamsuddin Azeemi, Chief Editor of the monthly Roohani Digest, the renowned
spiritual scholar, founder of the chain of Muraqba Halls the world over has had
the honour of learning the spiritual sciences from his spiritual mentor, His
Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya, the sage of this age. In order to teach him
the spiritual sciences Qalander Baba Auliya made Alshaikh Azeemi to pen down
the words that he used to narrate. Alshaikh Azeemi being a devoted disciple not
only noted the contents but also did his best to understand what he was taught.
The eventual out come of his dedicated work took the form of the ‘Loh-o-Qalum’,
the first ever book that comprises the whole syllabus of the spiritual science.
Who else was more suitable to explain the contents of this document but
Alshaikh Azeemi, the very able student of Qalander Baba Auliya. Dissemination
of that knowledge, which is the legacy of prophets and had reached him in
disciplic succession, has become an obsession for Alshaikh Azeemi because, according
to him, this knowledge is the only elixir and the antidote for the ailing
humanity in present times.