
Spirituality And Sorcery

Question: The incidents reported by those who practiced the exercises of telepathy mostly pertaining to meetings with noble spirits and visiting the holy places. Few have also reported about their encounters with extraterrestrial creatures. But no one has reported meetings with Satan or evil spirits. Although these are also the creatures that belong to unseen realm. Kindly explain this for the benefit of the students.

Answer: Normally there are two different approaches regarding the learning of any science including telepathy, which is no exception to this. One is termed as divine and other is the evil approach. If the knowledge is learnt with constructive and positive intentions then it becomes a divine power. If the knowledge is acquired with destructive and negative designs then certainly it is evil. Construction and creativity are acts of divinity and the destruction and evilness are the demoniac acts. In fact, there are two types of groups of people. One with a constructive approach and the other with the destructive approach. Thinking approaches of both are different and opposite to each other. The words used to activate these two types of thinking approaches are also different. The occult sciences when they are learnt with destructive intentions and ambitions are called sorcery.


The words practiced in their evil arts and witchcraft are like 'Deevah' and 'Kaliwah' These are presenutic words used by the people of the righteous group, up to the times of Noah were equivalent to the word Allah and Illalah.

After Noah the words 'Deevah' and 'Kaliwah' were declared as repealed and the words 'MM and 'Tamkhiyah' were introduced. The people of the righteous approaches adopted the change but the people with the destructive approaches refused to acknowledge the change and the repealed words were adopted by the sorcerers. Then many centuries before Abraham the words Allah and Illallah were declared to be the words of the righteous people and the 'Tamkhah' and 'Tamkhiyah' were repealed and since then these are the declared words for the people of right approaches. But the sorcerers and witches adopted these revoked words to practice their evil deeds by activating their destructive thinking.

In the Holy Quran the two different approaches of the knowledge have been defined in the story of Moses. When Moses visited Pharaoh as the messenger of the Divinity. Pharaoh considering the miracles of Moses as acts of magic and sorcery declared him a wizard and invited him to contest against the magicians of the country.

The day was set and both the parties were made to face each other. On the one side there were Moses and Aaron and on the other the big magicians of the country. The magicians threw their ropes and sticks which transformed into snakes and dragons. To match their demoniac activities Moses, according to the Elohistic inspiration, put his staff on the ground and it took the shape of a dragon and consumed all the magic snakes.

Here the most interesting thing is to note that when the magicians threw their ropes and sticks they were transformed into snakes and when Moses put down his staff that too converted into a dragon. Then what was the difference in the act of Moses and the magicians. The main difference was that the snakes and dragons produced by the magician were swallowed up by one produced by Moses. Knowledge of Moses had outclassed the Knowledge of the sorcerers and they acknowledged it spontaneously.

The contest, as reported in the holy book between Moses and the sorcerers, is an elaborate explanation of the knowledge of divinity and that of necromancy. The sorcerers were trying to please their god for the material benefits whereas Moses was doing it to please his Lord not for any material gains. The mission of Moses was to please God and to serve mankind. His constructive approach enabled him to overpower the demoniacal knowledge of the sorcerers. His knowledge was a source of cognition of the Lord creator.

All the prophetic knowledge is divine and ultimately leads towards the Creator of the worlds.

We are required to seek earnestly the knowledge of the prophets contained in the holy books and should avoid the knowledge based on sorcery and evilness for the simplest of all the reasons that the former is more powerful and more dominating than the others. Any knowledge based on selfishness and motivated for destructive purposes neither benefits the person learning it nor is of any use to his fellow beings.

The knowledge based on the teachings of the prophets is the knowledge which not only benefits the learner but is useful in serving the fellow beings. Man who does not indulge in any destructive activities enjoys the divine power and ultimately raises above the level of the animal life to finally cognize the divine and ultimate reality.

All that we have presented in this book is in accordance with the approach and thinking pattern of prophets and their disciple auliyas since before experiencing the reported incidents a constructive pattern had taken its shape in the minds of the students of telepathy therefore all that was observed was according to that pattern.

Had this knowledge been acquired with an evil approach it would have become sorcery instead of spirituality. From Abraham to Moses and from Christ to Muhammad (PBUH), it had been the teachings of all the prophets that man should be saved from evil forces and should cognize himself after acquainting himself with the divine forces, because the Divine force and right thinking approach is construction whereas the evil powers and sorcery is another name for destruction, brutality, cruelty and inflicting miseries on mankind.


Learn Telepathy



This book is dedicated to those lively-hearted

friends who want to reach the pinnacle of

humanity through service to mankind and to

those scientists who would adorn the Earth

anew after 2006 A.D.


His Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya writes in his valuable work 'Tazkira Tajuddin Baba" (An Account of Tajuddin Baba Auliya).

"Human beings are conversant with the act of 'articulation' from the very beginning. In talking, the sound waves with predetermined meanings convey the information to the listeners. This method is a duplication of that communication style which takes place between the waves of Ego. It is a common observation that a dumb person conveys everything with a slight movement of his lips and those who are versed with lip-reading; understand everything which he desires to convey. This too, is a replica of the same method. Animals convey their feelings to their fellows without producing any sound. In this case, too, the waves of Ego are operative. Trees also converse and communicate with one another regardless of the distance existing between them. This conversation not only takes place amongst the nearby trees, but the trees at far off distances also take part in it. The same law is valid for the minerals as well. Stones, pebbles and the dust particles also negotiate with one another exactly in the same style."